Recognition certificate of CMC Vellore for Medical Reimbursement for Proc.No.66216 dt 23-06-2015


Online uploading of Medical Reimbursement Proposals  in

Medical Bills Submission through Online mode @ website: Medical Reimbursement Bills Online Submissions, Online Uploading of Medical Reimbursement Proposals, Uploading Medical bills in CSE website, List of Documents for uploading, Online Medical Bills Uploading @, Online submission of medical bills, CSE Medical Bills Submission Online application form. Up-load the Medical bills online in the incumbents who are Discharged from 01/02/2017 in "" through login facility provided the forwarding authority i.e DEO (Non Teaching Staff Only)/Dy.E.O/MPDO/MEO/Head Master duly scanning the required documents
 AP Medical Reimbursement bills Online Submission Guidelines for 2017-2018 
CSE AP RC 222 Online uploading of Medical Reimbursement Proposals who are applied medical reimbursement School Education Department (Teachers) Implementation of online Submissions of Medical Reimbursement Proposals who are employed medical reimbursement Apply The Online Application at Official Website (CSE AP)  Certain instructions issued-Regarding Rc.No.222/MB-3/Online/2015 Dated 06/07/2017 Medical Reimbursement Proposals Online Application Click Here. All Expenditures should be made by 50,000 teachers all through the Education Department website. First of all, we need to scan and save the Discharge Summary, Emergency Certificate, Essentiality Certificate, Dependant Certificate, Bill Statement PDF format for our MR from 1 KB to 1 MB. 
CSE AP Medical Reimbursement bills Online Submission Guideline Uploading Bills:
1.Application form for data Sheet(uploading).
2.Covering letter of DDO(DEO Non-Teaching staff onlyyDy EO MMEO/Head Master letter herewith enclosed)
4.Check List
5.Availment Certificate.
6.Emergency Certificate.
7.Essentiality Certificate.
8.Discharge Summary
9.Non Drawl Certificate
10.Dependent Certificate(if treatment taken on dependents),
11.Final bill Abstract Total claimed amount should be in the final bill
12.Pension Payment Order in case of Retired employees) 11. Death certificate if patient death).
13.Family members certificate(employee death).
14.Declaration of the DDO(DEO Non- teaching retired staff only) Dy.E.O/MEO/HeadMaster) Model letter herewith enclosed)
15.The DDO must stamp “Verified and found Correct” in all original bill before the submission of Online.
16.All DDOs are taught don’t apply to Xerox bills/color Nero fabricated bill duplicated laws. If any deviation, in this case, they will be personally held responsible for the same above. 

Given the above, all the Regional Joint Director of School Education and District Educational Officers are requested to issue clear instructions to the forwarding authority under their control in the matter w.e.t.10/07/2017. 
And also for not upload the incomplete medical proposals. The password by the Andhra Pradesh Online authorities is to the concerned officers for uploading the Medical Bills.
All the returned proposals also are resubmitted through  Genuine, then upload scanned plans and submit to the concerned authority and issue instructions to all the concerned DDOs that Medical bills sent manually will be noon or after 10/07/2017 for the proposals. The Medical Bills Proposals submission only online and no need to submit original bills/ manual bills/Xerox bills in this office. Encl: Proforma& Certificate copy.

Medical Reimbursement Bills Online Submission Step By Step Process
1.First the website should be open.
2.When Clicking on E-office on the left side of the link, the Medical Reimbursement approvals appear on the right on Click it.
3.Enter the User name
4.Enter the Passwords and CAPTCHA code 
5.Make Hit On Submit.
6.User name:School U-DISE Code
7.Password: Admin @ 2823 (First 4 digits Of school U-DISE code)
8.Next School Medical Reimbursement Page is open.MR must select this.
9.Click On Medical Reimbursement.
10.Select the Employee Tab.
11.In Service Teacher or Pensioner.
12.Now comes the Employee on the screen. When selecting this, all the names of those working in the school will be displayed.
13.Now you Select the Teacher Name, claim form will be Displayed.
14.The Teacher Name, Teacher ID No, Aadhaar Number, Birthday, Phone Number is Default.
15.Upload of Include School Details, Personal Details, Addresses, Patient Details, Hospital Details, and proof of support in Claim Form.
16.To complete the bill number and date in documents, you must upload the Discharge Summary, Essentially Certificate, Emergency Certificate and Dependent Certificates.
17.Click on submitting Submit Button and Next Display successfully Submitted.
18.It should be printed and sent to the CSE by the DDO to the Medical Reimbursement Claim Application. 

CSE New address for correspondence*

O/o commissioner and director of school education,Anjaneya towers,B-Block,Beside ibrahimpatnam p.s,

Ibrahimpatnam,Vijayawada 521456. Krishna district. Amaravathi. Andhra Pradesh

GO.254 Medical Reimbursement Scheme Valid upto 30th June 2015.

Government Employees/ Pensioners - Please show your Employee / Pensioners ID card at the hospital at the time of admission

Forms and Certificates





Recognized Hospitals

Medical Reimbursement Online Status


GO. Ms 74 APIMA Rules 1972- Recommendations for revision Accepted & go ms 68 28-3-2011 prc recomandations on medical reimbursement


Govt. Orders

Andhra Pradesh Integrated Medical Attendance Rules, 1972 G.O. Ms. No.105 APIMA Rules - certain amendments to Go Ms 74
Go. Ms 74 APIMA Rules 1972- Recommendations for revision Accepted G.O.102 Death Relief
Go Ms 397 Enhancement of Medical Reimbursement to pensioners Go Ms 68 PRC Recommendations
Go. Ms 29 - Allowances PRC recommendations Go Ms 38 Private hospital within and outside state
Go. Ms 152 - Maternity leave enhancement to 180 days Go. Ms 162 Guidelines for recognition of private Hospitals
Go. Ms No. 180 - Scrutiny of Medical Bills - MLA, Ex MLAs Go. Ms 346 Scrutiny of bills upto Rs. 50,000
Go. Ms 579 - Admission and treatment - Pensioners - NIMS ans SVIMS Go. Ms 155 Leave Rules - Enhancement of EOL for certain diseases
Go. Ms.136 - Relief in case of death of family pensioners Go.Ms 52 Special Leave - Hysterectomy
Go Ms 87 - Inclusion of Family Pensioners GO Ms 97 - Fixation of Bed strength for Super Specialty Hospitals
GO Ms 106 - Guidelines for recognition of Private Hospitals- Amendment Go Ms No 299 - Medical Officers - MLA qtrs dispensaries
Go Ms No 342 - Proposal Medical Officers of MLA qtrs dispenaries - Amendment Go Ms No 477 - Guidelines for Recognition of Private Hospitals - Prescribing MOU
Go Ms No 601 - Sanction of Medical reimbursement upto 3rd spell  

Old Govt. Orders

Go Memorandum No. 2113- Instructions regarding treatment of open heart surgery cases - out of state Go Ms No 98 - Raising of maximum ceiling limit from Rs.75,000 to Rs.1,00,000 for major ailments
Go Ms No 175 -Admissibility of Medical Expenditure with 20% cut without referral from NIMS SVIMS in cases of emergencies Go Ms No 445 NIMS-Reimbursement of Expenditure �Simplification of procedures
Go Ms No 544 - SVIMS -Eligibity for medical Reimbursement Go Ms No 580-Medical Treatment Cardiac Surgery
Go Ms No 1274 - APIMA Rules 1972 - Amendments  




Enclosures needed along with Medical Reimbursement proposals:

     1. Annexure – II (with amount, signature of the applicant and attestation)
     2. Emergency certificate (with signature and stamp of hospital/treated doctor)
     3. Essentiality certificate (with signature and stamp of hospital/treated doctor. The amount in the Essentiality  
     Certificate should tally with amount in the Annexure-II).
     4. Discharge Summary (with signature and stamp of hospital/treated doctor)
     5. Out Patient Card if treatment taken as Out Patient.
     6. Dependent and Non-drawal certificates (with attestation of the forwarding authority and signature of the
     7. For every follow up treatment for post operative cases, who requires life long treatments, the concerned
       patient has to get revalidation of prescriptions  once in six months from the specialist Government doctor.
     8. In case of accident cases and treatment taken in un-recognised hospitals under emergency, FIR should be
     9. Legal Heir certificate should be submitted in case of death of the teacher.

      The Medical Reimbursement should be submitted to this office with the following documents 

     2.Essentiality Certificate
     3.Emergency Certificate
     4.Detailed Inpatient / Discharge Bill
     5.Discharge Summary

     Tel: 9140-24602514/15/16
     FAX No: 24650942